Jealousy Quotes: A Creative Approach




Jealousy is an emotion that can range from mild envy to intense resentment. It often stems from feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, causing individuals to compare themselves to others and covet what they perceive as their advantages. In relationships, jealousy can arise when one feels threatened by the attention or affection shown to someone else. However, it’s essential to recognize that jealousy is a natural human emotion and can serve as a signal for deeper insecurities that need addressing.

In our collection of jealousy quotes, you’ll find insights into the complexities of this emotion and how it can affect relationships and personal well-being. These quotes offer perspectives on the detrimental effects of jealousy, such as eroding trust and damaging self-esteem. They also highlight the importance of practicing empathy, communication, and self-reflection to overcome jealousy and cultivate healthier relationships.

Whether you’re seeking solace in knowing that you’re not alone in experiencing jealousy or seeking wisdom on how to navigate its challenges, our collection of quotes has something for everyone. Explore the diverse perspectives shared by writers, philosophers, and psychologists, and discover insights that resonate with your own experiences. Let these quotes serve as reminders to cultivate self-awareness, foster trust, and embrace gratitude for what you have.

Jealousy Quotes

    • “Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter.”
    • “You can only be jealous of someone who has something you think you ought to have yourself.”
    • The meat it feeds on.”
    • “Surrounded by the flames of jealousy, the jealous one winds up, like the scorpion, turning the poisoned sting against himself.”
    • “Man will do many things to get himself loved; he will do all things to get himself envied.”
    • “Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but Jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time.”
    • Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity
    • “There’s always this one girl. She’s desperate and she’s weird and she’s jealous, and you’re stuck with her, no matter how hard you try to get her off your back.”
    • “Some people want to see everything go wrong for you because nothing is going right for them.”
    •  “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
    •  “The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.”
    • Removing jealously from your life isn’t easy. Hopefully these quotes and saying about jealous feeling will help.
    • “Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.”
    • People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you.
    • “Don’t waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind.”
    • “Noble hearts are neither jealous nor afraid because jealousy spells doubt and fear spells pettiness.”
    •  “Trifles light as air; Are to the jealous confirmations strong as proofs of holy writ.”
    • “Jealousy—Tormenting yourself, for fear you should be tormented by another.”- Paul Chatfield
    • “You’re just jealous.”
    Quotes about jealous friends

    “Jealousy is natural but it isn’t necessary”

    •  “My jealousy is a living thing. Shifting, changing, growing. Like my rage and my mother’s regret.”
    • “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
    • “In jealousy there is more self-love than love.”
    • Humans are suspicious and jealous creatures. When they see something perfect, they want to find a flaw.”
    • “Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.”
    • “People hate those who make them feel their own inferiority.”
    • “Never hate jealous people. They are jealous because they think you are better than them.”
    • Jealousy:– a sign of insecurity,a sign of weakness, a sign of obsession
    • “Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.”
    • “Never waste jealousy on a real man: it is the imaginary man that supplants us all in the long run.”
    • “Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon.”
    • Jealousy is just a lack of self-confidence.”

    Jealousy Quotes in English

    • “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”
    • “People who have no life will always start drama in yours.”
    • “But jealous souls will not be answered so. They are not ever jealous for the cause, but jealous for they’re jealous. It is a monster begot upon itself, born on itself.”
    •  “Often those that criticize others reveal what he himself lacks.”
    •  “Margaret was not a ready lover, but where she loved she loved passionately, and with no small degree of jealousy.
    • Jealousy is the best compliment you can receive!
    • “Jealousy only eats up your beauty. Have faith in yourself. You have something that other’s don’t”
    • “Jealousy isn’t a pleasant quality, but if it isn’t overdone (and if it’s combined with modesty), apart from its inconvenience there’s even something touching about it.”
    • “Hardly. Been there, done you. Adequate, but unremarkable.”
    • “When a person always has something negative to say, they are secretly jealous of you.”
    • “Jealousy is never satisfied with anything short of an omniscience that would detect the subtlest fold of the heart.”
    • “Insecure people only eclipse your sun because they’re jealous of your daylight and tired of their dark, starless nights.”
    • “I’ve never been jealous before I met you, it burns, luv. Like silver through my veins.”
    • “Jealousy is a form of hatred built upon security”
    jealousy quotes

    “Jealousy springs more from love of self than from love of another.”

    • “Cruel people offer pity when they no longer feel threatened. However, kind people offer compassion and understanding regardless.”
    • “To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter.”
    • “Jealousy is the cousin of greed. We seem to focus on what we want and lose sight of what we really need.”
    • “Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.”
    • Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment.”
    • I keep my head held high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see me fall.
    • “Isn’t it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?”
    • “Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.”
    • “Comparison is a very foolish attitude, because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.”
    • “Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter.”
    • So full of artless jealousy is guilt,
    • It’s sad how some people are so jealous and intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you.
    • “The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.”
    • “The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.”
    • “The people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.”
    • “Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners”
    •  “No one can have all he wants, but a man can refrain from wanting what he has not, and cheerfully make the best of a bird in the hand.”
    • “A flower never thinks of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms”
    • “People only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.”
    • It is the green-ey’d monster, which doth mock
    jealous fake friends quotes

    “A Jealous close friend is worse than a friendly hidden enemy.”

    • “Someone else’s success does not rob you of anything.”
    • “Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.”
    • “Jealousy lives upon doubts. It becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty.”
    • “Jealous people want to see you do good, but never better than them.”
    • Jealousy sees things always with magnifying glasses which makes little things large, -of dwarfs giants, suspicions truths.”
    • It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.”

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